About the Journal
Human Systems Management (HSM) is an interdisciplinary, international, refereed journal, offering applicable, scientific insight into reinventing business, civil-society and government organizations, through the sustainable development of high-technology processes and structures. Adhering to the highest civic, ethical and moral ideals, the journal promotes the emerging anthropocentric-sociocentric paradigm of societal human systems, rather than the pervasively mechanistic and organismic or medieval corporatism views of humankind’s recent past. More ...
Journal indexed in Scopus (Elsevier), Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), EBSCO, Emerald Management Reviews and others.
Authors' Guidelines:
- Prepare the paper following the journal's guidelines for authors available at the journal's website.
Guidelines for authors Journal's website
About the Journal
Academica Turistica - Tourism and Innovation Journal (AT-TIJ) is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge on tourism and innovation from a social sciences perspective. It especially welcomes contributions focusing on innovation in tourism and adaptation of innovations from other fields in tourism settings. More ...
Journal is indexed in SCOPUS, CIRET, CAB Abstracts, Econ Papers, ERIH PLUS and others.
Authors' Guidelines:
- Prepare the paper following the journal's guidelines for authors available at the journal's website.
About the Journal
The objective of IJSE is to publish research papers which analyse all aspects of sustainable economic growth and development and to offer researchers and professionals the opportunity to discuss the most demanding issues regarding the sustainable economy. More ...
Journal is indexed in SCOPUS, Academic OneFile (Gale), Academic OneFile (Gale), CAB Abstracts, and others.
Authors' Guidelines:
- Prepare the paper following the journal's guidelines for authors available at the journal's website.
About the Journal
"E-mentor" is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education. The scope of the journal includes among others the following topics: new trends in management, business and technologies, ICT in education. The mission of the journal is to encourage the development and improvement in education, especially in the area of e-learning through disseminating knowledge and promoting active attitudes among its readers. More ...
Journal is indexed in Web of Science ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), CEJSH (The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities), CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library), EBSCO, PBN (Polish Scientific Bibliography), Index Copernicus Journals Master List, and EuroPub.

Authors' Guidelines:
- Prepare the paper following the journal's guidelines for authors available at the journal's website.
Guidelines for Authors Journal's website
About the Journal
Micro & Macro Marketing is directed to operators, researchers, scholars and all those feeling the need to deepen the reflection on contents and marketing problems, on consumptions, communication and market research. The review can be considered a tool for updating and widening research on such topics. The journal promotes interdisciplinary comparison (with marketing, psychology, sociology, statistics) paying special attention to some relevant problems that marketers are facing. Further, Micro & Macro Marketing promotes a constant exchange between business reality and scientific research.The latest issues have been dealing with information and communication technologies, international marketing trends, creativity and innovation, non-conventional marketing, market research, competitiveness, luxury, made in Italy, critical consumption, market measurement and tourism marketing. Every issue includes the analysis of important cases, and an “Osservatorio” (“Observatory”) on consumption and markets.
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Journal is indexed in Scopus, RePEc, ERIH Plus, JournalSeek, Essper, Catalogo Italiano dei periodici (ACNP), Google Scholar, Primo Central (ex Libris), EDS (EBSCO), AIDEA.
Authors' Guidelines:
- Prepare the paper following the journal's guidelines for authors available at the journal's website.
About the Journal
Public Sector Economics is a scientific journal published by the Institute of Public Finance, which seeks theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented contributions analyzing the role and functioning of the public sector at macroeconomic, sectoral and microeconomic levels, in both advanced and emerging market economies. The Editorial Board accepts for consideration exclusively previously unpublished scientific papers. More ...
Journal is indexed in SCOPUS (Elsevier), DOAJ, EconLit, HRČAK, IBSS, RePEC. According to SJR - Scimago Journal & Country Rank indicators for 2021, the journal is ranked in the third quartile (Q3) and is 34th (out of 161) among Croatian journals indexed in the Scopus database.
Authors' Guidelines:
- Prepare the paper following the journal's guidelines for authors available at the journal's website.
About the Journal
Managing Global Transitions (MGT) is a social sciences' interdisciplinary research journal. The aim of this journal is to publish research articles which analyse all aspects of transitions and changes in societies, economies, cultures, networks, organizations, teams, and individuals, and the processes that are most effective in managing large scale transitions from dominant structures to more evolutionary, developmental forms, in a global environment.
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Journal is indexed in IBSS, EconLit, DOAJ, Erih Plus, IBZ Online, EconPapers, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities, EBSCO, ProQuest.
Authors' Guidelines:
- Prepare the paper following the journal's guidelines for authors available at the journal's website.
Guidelines for authors Journal's website